UNDP Evaluation Resource Center

Evaluation Resource Center ERC (erc.undp.org) was developed in 2002 with the simple goal of publically sharing all UNDP evaluation reports and to communicate the organization’s contributions to development. This global platform which holds more than 3500 evaluations has been re-designed using tools and enhancements, to simplify and improve access to

Do you have a challenge in monitoring complex projects ?

Struggling with useful outcome monitoring ? – then see  USAID 2013 discussion note on complexity-aware monitoring (http://usaidlearninglab.org/library/complexity-aware-monitoring-discussion-note-brief)  it introduces 5 approaches that help us address three blind spots of classical performance monitoring (logframe-type approaches based on predicted linear causal pathways): 1) broader range of outcomes associated with the system; 2)

How to build a theory of change for an impact evaluation | Video by Howard White

Speaker: Professor Howard White, Former Executive Director, 3ie https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/pWutrZwzP18?list=PLMdLqa33jxDnYmlJXC6_ExjpefosgQ3BF A comprehensive theory of change is integral to designing a high quality and policy relevant impact evaluation. In this video, Professor Howard White uses the example of a school feeding programme to illustrate the steps involved in building a theory of