Strengthening the Quality Infrastructure in Sri Lanka

PTB appraisal mission to Sri Lanka


Within the framework of its international technical cooperation, funded by the German Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), the German National Metrology Institute “PTB” (Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt) is preparing a new bilateral cooperation with Sri Lanka in the field of Quality Infrastructure (QI).


In view of the mission results which indicate a high dependency on quality infrastructure with a relatively limited access of small and medium sized enterprises (SME) to these services, especially in the provinces, PTB has been commissioned to investigate possibilities for a new bilateral project. Therefore, the mission’s objectives are to refine the project concept and its intervention areas, to investigate the demand for QI services, the cooperation between QI institutes and its provision in the North and Northeast and to gather further inputs and suggestions for cooperation.

Mission team

The mission team will consist of Mr Karsten Weitzenegger, Dr Ulrike Lechner, both consultants to PTB, and Mr Daniel Böhme, project coordinator at PTB’s Department for Technical Cooperation. The mission team thanks all stakeholders for its availability in advance and looks forward to fruitful meetings