
International Development Cooperation | Consultants without Borders

Weitzenegger's Civil Society and Participation Report

AiDA Adds Information from Major Nongovernmental Organizations
The database on development activities, AiDA, now includes activities funded by the Gates Foundation, the Open Society Institute, and the Soros Foundation Network. These non-traditional donors fund over 3,800 activities. As a tool for aid effectiveness, AiDA includes information on more than 200,000 development projects worldwide.

CivilSocietyBuilding.net is a network for exchange of knowledge, with mostly unique content provided by network members. Share your stories and experiences, or browse about for case studies, lessons, research or relevant events. A partnership website of the Humanist Institute for Development Cooperation and the Institute for Social Studies.

Alternative Information and Development Centre (AIDC)
AIDC from South Africa maintains a Website focussed on Unemployment and the Right To Work, Privatisation and Delivery of Social Services, Globalisation, Free Trade Agreements, and the World Trade Organisation (WTO), and Debt. It provides resources, events and links to a wide set of useful information.

IDEAS Centre
IDEAS Centre is an independent, non-profit organization dedicated to helping low-income countries to integrate into the world trading system - in a way that supports their national poverty reduction and economic development efforts. The Centre offers practical, results-oriented advisory services and executes projects aimed at strengthening the capacities of developing/transition country governments to shape both their domestic economic policies as well as the international policies that affect them.

The Development CAFE Web services for NGOs
The Development CAFE is an online network of social science professionals dedicated to bridge the technology and knowledge divide between policy and grassroots. The Cafe now offers either free or cost effective web services for NGOs who would like to make a web presence. This will be with your own URL, organizational, email id and maintenance by professionals. It costs 1/4th of the market rates. If however, you do not have budget in your organization for a website and you are doing a good, the CAFE does it for free. For more information contact the Cafe Moderator, moderator@thedevelopmentcafe.org.

AidMarket.org - seeking constructive criticism
Seeking constructive criticism before realizing the idea in practice... AidMarket's mission is to provide a marketplace for foreign aid and philanthropic work. An open market for individuals and organizations to propose small-scale projects that promise positive development given piecemeal improvements. AidMarket enhances the impact of aid on poverty reduction by enabling donors to get more involved in the development effort. AidMarket is apolitical and will maintain account transparency. Our long term goal is to improve the quality and availability of educational material to the poor. 'O for the P' -- Become an I AM Donor and support I AM Agents throughout the world. AidMarket facilitates donor-agent partnerships; cutting red tape for the agent and offering donors a new way to help achieve the MDGs

The Third World Network (TWN)
TWN - Africa Secretariat seeks to make the international trade and investment regime, including the WTO respond more sensitively to the needs of African countries; promote equity in international trade and investment; and develop a framework for Africa. This TWN webpage compiles articles related to Trade and Investment.

Monitoring and Evaluation Library
This website supported by a consortium of NGO's provides a well indexed set of resources on monitoring and evaluation. I find 49 resources in English, 14 in French, and 9 in Spanish on the site in January 2007. (Contributor: John Daly )


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