With the ending of the war in 2002, Angola has recorded tremendous progress in relation to poverty reduction, reduction of maternal and child mortality, children enrollment in the educational system and an increase in access to drinking water. However, large pockets of the population still remain in poverty and without
Category: Poverty
Weitzenegger joins SEEDwork Sustainable Economic Development and Employment
Karsten Weitzenegger is an Associate of SEEDwork, the expert association for sustainable economic development and employment. Please visit my profile at http://www.seedwork.net/profile/karsten-weitzenegger SEEDwork is a registered non-profit association composed of professionals with long-standing experience in technical and financial development cooperation. The purpose of the association is the promotion of societal
Fair Trade = no poverty! WFTO promotes 10 Principles of Fair Trade #FairTradeBreaksPoverty
Culemborg, 26 September 2016 – This year WFTO observes Global Anti-Poverty Week (16-22 October 2016) by promoting the 10 Principles of Fair Trade as means to eradicate poverty as desired by the first goal of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals – NO POVERTY. WFTO believes that the principles of Fair
Cash Transfer Programs Succeed for Zambia’s Poor, Offer Lessons for Battling African Poverty, AIR Finds
African nations increasingly embrace cash transfers to combat the continent’s cycle of poverty WASHINGTON D.C., United States of America, June 8, 2016/ — Programs designed to alleviate hunger and increase food supply through cash transfers to some of Zambia’s poorest families achieved those goals and more, final evaluations conducted by
Economic inequality has reached extreme levels – Oxfam reports
Around the world, the gap between the rich and poor is spiralling out of control. Extreme inequality is not accidental or inevitable – it’s the result of deliberate policy choices by people in power. Together we must even it up and stop inequality from undermining our fight against poverty. Join
Wikiprogress is the Platform on Measuring the Progress of Societies
Karsten Weitzenegger Consulting uses Wikiprogress, This is a global platform for you to gather, share and create information about measuring the progress of society. www.wikiprogress.org Wikiprogress is a global platform for sharing information in order to evaluate social, environmental and economic progress. It is open to all members and communities
The Rise of the South | Human Development Report 2013
Human Progress in a Diverse World The 21st century is witnessing a profound shift in global dynamics, driven by the fast-rising new powers of the developing world. China has overtaken Japan as the world’s second biggest economy, lifting hundreds of millions of people out of poverty in the process. India
Global Employment Trends for Youth 2013: A generation at risk | ILO Report
Thie ILO Global Employment Trends 2013 Report examines the continuing job crisis affecting young people in many parts of the world. It provides updated statistics on global and regional youth unemployment rates and presents ILO policy recommendations to curb the current trends. Download the report (Full report 161 pages –
PIA improves decision making for development results
How can donors and partner countries assess the intended and unintended consequences of donor interventions? The Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) explores ex ante Poverty Impact Assessment (PIA), which can assist in modifying the design of interventions to improve pro-poor impacts by identifying key areas for monitoring and
How PIA works
Poverty Impact Assessment (PIA) helps donors and partner countries identify the intended and unintended consequences of their interventions. PIA provides a framework for improving baseline data and monitoring the impact hypothesis during implementation and inputs for ex post evaluations. It formulates recommendations for decision makers on how the intervention might
Key reading on ex-ante Poverty Impact Assessment
Promoting Pro-Poor growth: A Practical Guide to ex-ante Poverty Impact Assessment http://www.oecd.org/document/… This practical guide, developed by the DAC Network on Poverty Reduction (POVNET), is designed to help staff in developing countries and in aid agencies to plan and execute PIAs and to interpret their findings, the ultimate goal being
Networks you can use for poverty impact assessment
African Parliamentary Poverty Reduction Network – (APRN) http://www.parlcent.ca/africa/prnetwork/pr_network_e.php The APRN was created in 2003 in response to demands by African parliamentarians for a network that would bring together Members of Parliament from all over Africa interested in central issues such as poverty reduction to discuss and share best practices, lessons