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My imported Social Bookmarks from Pinboard:

  • Resilience Alliance focuses on resilience in social-ecological systems

    The Resilience Alliance is a research organization that focuses on resilience in social-ecological systems as a basis for sustainability.


    Set of publications which gather together tools and instruments which can facilitate participatory processes.

  • EUDiF – European Union Global Diaspora Facility

    EUDiF seeks to consolidate knowledge and action to address the fragmentation of diaspora engagement for development. We assist diaspora organisations in Europe, countries of origin and the EU to engage and collaborate more effectively with each other on development issues.

  • World Bank Group Academy global knowledge platform

    The WBG Academy is a global knowledge platform that seeks enhanced engagement among World Bank staff, development practitioners, government officials, think tanks and other partners, to learn from our experiences, share knowledge and discuss options to difficult development challenges.

  • GenAI-powered evaluation function at UNFPA

    This UNFPA Strategy aims at leveraging the benefits of responsible and ethical generative artificial intelligence (GenAI) while minimizing risks: it draws on the assessment of GenAI use cases in evaluation, and presents an implementation plan for GenAI-powered evaluation. It emphasizes a phased approach to digital transformation in evaluation, development of custom GenAI solutions for evaluation, and ensuring sustainability of GenAI-powered evaluation efforts.

  • Practical Guide on Contract Procedures for European Union External Actio

    PRAG, or the Practical Guide on Contract Procedures for European Union External Action, is a non-legally binding document prepared by the EC to provide all parties participating in public tendering and grant awarding procedures with practical assistance in preparing and implementing contracts in the field of external action PRAG Trainings (practical guide on contract procedures for European Union external action)

  • ​Results-Based Management Handbooks, Guides & Tools

    ​If you are interested in learning more on your own about results-based management, below are links to 50 Results Based Management handbooks, guides and websites with other tools and opinions on results-based management, related topics on planning and evaluation, and information on the donor agencies' approaches to results-based management.​​​

  • Teaching resources - Sustainicum Collection

    The Sustainicum Collection is filled with exciting teaching resources. You can choose between "Teaching Units" and "Teaching Methods".

  • Bioline International for a global understanding of health

    Bioline International is a not-for-profit scholarly publishing cooperative committed to providing open access to quality research journals published in developing countries. BI's goal of reducing the South to North knowledge gap is crucial to a global understanding of health (tropical medicine, infectious diseases, epidemiology, emerging new diseases), biodiversity, the environment, conservation and international development.

  • World Bank Open Data

    Find free, accessible & high-quality #data on hundreds of indicators — from annual GDP growth to external debt, energy consumption or net migration — from +180 countries, all in one place and in five languages.

  • Participatory Methods | People working together around the world to generate ideas and action for social change

    This site provides resources to generate ideas and action for inclusive development and social change. You might also be interested in ActionAid's NetworkedToolbox which contains methods and tools for participation.

  • Knowledge4Policy (K4P) is the EU Commission's platform for evidence-based policymaking.

    Knowledge4Policy (K4P) is the EU Commission's platform for evidence-based policymaking. Our goal: to bridge the science-policy gap by bringing together evidence for policy from scientists across Europe, to policymakers across Europe.

  • World Bank Gender Data Portal

    The World Bank's Gender Data Portal makes the latest gender statistics accessible through compelling narratives and data visualizations to improve the understanding of gender data and facilitate analyses that inform policy choices.

  • Genderaction Dashboard

    The GENDERACTIONplus data dashboard contains visual reports that display important metrics on women in science and higher education. The reports help users to quickly visualise and drill down on trends and patterns in official statistics to answer policy questions on gender equality in research, higher education, and innovation.

  • Resource package on gender mainstreaming in EU development cooperation

    This on-line Resource Package (RP) intends to offer practical guidance on how to promote gender equality and achieve more equitable and sustainable development results.

  • Causal Map: Identify and visualise causal connections in speech and writing

    Causal Map is a new online research tool, a way to code, analyse and visualise fragments of information about what causes what. Use it to make sense of what interviewees tell you in social science research. Use it to visualise stakeholders’ experiences of how a programme or intervention is working and create collective empirical ‘theories of change’.

  • Humanitarian Atlas: OCHA - Bureau Régional pour l'Afrique de l'Ouest et du Centre

    Un outil mis à la disposition de la communauté humanitaire pour faciliter la planification et l'implémentation des activités humanitaires en Afrique de l'ouest et du centre.

  • tools4dev - Practical tools for international development

    tools4dev provides templates, reviews and how-to guides for international development and aid professionals.

  • AIDA (Artificial Intelligence for Development Analytics) is a use of AI for development

    AIDA (Artificial Intelligence for Development Analytics) is a use of AI for development that is unmatched in the UN system. Through a set of powerful AI models, AIDA lets you search our huge archive of evaluative evidence about UNDP.

  • Safeguarding Resource and Support Hub

    At RSH, we support organisations in the humanitarian and development sectors to strengthen their safeguarding policy and practice against Sexual Exploitation, Abuse and Sexual Harassment (SEAH). By offering a wide range of free tools, training and advice in over 10 languages, RSH enables people and organisations to reduce the risk of harm. Our platform is open access, but we prioritise the needs of smaller civil society organisations.