Karsten Weitzenegger supports AIM2Flourish

Invited by partners in the Americas, Karsten Weitzenegger has joind AIM2Flourish, the higher-education curriculum for the UN Sustainable Development Goals and business for good innovation.

AIM2Flourish is the world’s first global initiative steering future business leaders towards achieving the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and a flourishing world for all. We offer a highly adaptable, professor-facilitated curriculum that combines classroom learning about transformative business models with the outside experience of students interviewing innovative CEOs.



AIM2Flourish is the world’s first higher-education curriculum for the UN Sustainable Development Goals and business for good innovation. Using the UN SDGs as their lens, students research and identify an innovation and interview a business leader about it. Their stories live on the AIM2Flourish.com platform as sources of inspiration for others. We will celebrate the best-of-the-best stories and recognize students, professors, and business leaders with the first Flourish Prizes at the June 2017 Fourth Global Forum at Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland, Ohio.

The AIM2Flourish team supports business school professors around the world by providing videos, classroom presentations, and materials. We also offer monthly Professor Community video conferences, during which professors share their experiences and hear what’s new with the program.

Students experience “Do Good, Do Well” leadership first-hand through conversations with business leaders and publishing their stories of innovation on AIM2Flourish.com.

Demonstrating global reach, scalability, and impact potential, AIM2Flourish’s partners reach more than 2,100 management schools worldwide and the global “business for good” community.

We’re grateful to be an initiative of the Fowler Center for Business as an Agent of World Benefit at Weatherhead School of Management – Case Western Reserve University, and to our founding co-sponsors UN Global Compact PRME and the Globally Responsible Leadership Initiative (GRLI).

In September 2016, AIM2Flourish was named as the student engagement platform partner for the UN Global Compact’s new Global Solutions Platform of business solutions for the SDGs.

Selection Criteria

AIM2Flourish stories are about business innovations from for-profit companies (including B Corps) that help achieve one or more of the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), such as ending poverty and ensuring peace and justice. Furthermore, we are looking for examples of business innovations that increase economic prosperity while contributing to a healthy world and human wellbeing.

UN Global Goals for Sustainable Development

All AIM2Flourish stories that are on the AIM2Flourish.com website by Decem

ber 31, 2016 are eligible nominations for the inaugural Flourish Prizes, to be awarded at the Fourth Global Forum in June 2017. We will honor the business leader for their innovation as well as the student author(s) and professor.

Every AIM2Flourish story is reviewed by one of our AIM2Flourish Story Stewards, a dedicated volunteer team that includes award-winning journalists, media makers, management coaches, and professors. The final selections for the Flourish Prizes will be made by a distinguished panel of business leaders and scholars.

Celebration and Recognition

We’ll celebrate the best-of-the-best business innovation stories in June 2017 at the 4th Global Forum. AIM2Flourish is an unparalleled opportunity to dynamically connect students, business leaders, management schools, media makers, and investors across geographies, generations, and industries. We will help business leaders, students, and professors share their innovation stories’ impact, accelerate their contributions, and inspire others with their examples.