A complete guide on how to use closed-ended and open-ended questions to design surveys that yield the best information in the most efficient way. Source: All You Need to Know About Closed-Ended and Open-Ended Questions – SocialCops Blog
Sustainable Development Solutions
Karsten Weitzenegger supports private and public organisations to reach sustainable results of their actions and strategies.
Evaluation 2030 – What Does the Future Look Like? | Independent Evaluation Group
Five opportunities to change what and how we evaluate as we take on three ambitious development agendas. Caroline Heider, Director General of the Independent Evaluation Group (IEG), World Bank shares five opportunities to change what and how we evaluate as we take on three ambitious development agendas. Source: Evaluation 2030
Evaluation of Finland’s Aid for Trade
Finland’s Aid for Trade (AFT) projects in the past years have produced results and contributed to impact in specific sectors, in which Finland has competitive advantages and can bring added value. These sectors are water, energy, environment, ICT and innovation, forestry and fisheries. Evaluation Aid for Trade (PDF, 272 pages, 343 kb)
Evaluation: a crucial ingredient for SDG success
EVALSDG Network’ first briefing note “Evaluation: a crucial ingredient for SDG success” is now published. Please see the attachment and the link http://pubs.iied.org/pdfs/17357IIED.pdf Main Policy Pointers: Measurement is not enough: monitoring must be accompanied by evaluation that addresses the complexity of the SDGs and how they are achieved. National policy

Implementing the 2016-2020 Global Evaluation Agenda (GEA)
As you were surely aware, 2015 was a big year for IOCE and EvalPartners and, indeed, the global evaluation community. There were 92 EvalYear events held around the world, cumulating in the major Global Evaluation Forum in Kathmandu the last week of November. But it didn’t all end at the
The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development revitalises the quest for results
The 17 universal goals and 169 targets set out in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development serve as an action plan for countries, partnerships and international collaboration. The goals and targets aim to promote concrete results for people, society, governance and the environment all over the world. On 3-4 February
UNDP Evaluation Resource Center
Evaluation Resource Center ERC (erc.undp.org) was developed in 2002 with the simple goal of publically sharing all UNDP evaluation reports and to communicate the organization’s contributions to development. This global platform which holds more than 3500 evaluations has been re-designed using tools and enhancements, to simplify and improve access to

WTO and UNCTAD commit to further help poor countries integrate into the global economy
Geneva, 12 October 2015 (UNCTAD) – The World Trade Organization (WTO) and the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) have pledged to work together towards the integration of developing countries, especially the least-developed among them, into the world economy and the multilateral trading system. WTO Director-General Roberto Azevêdo,
Evaluation fit for the 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda: a commitment by evaluators
More than 150 world leaders attended the UN Sustainable Development Summit on September 25-27, 2015, at the UN headquarters in New York. At the Summit, Heads of States and Governments formally adopted an ambitious new sustainable development agenda and affirmed strong political commitment to its timely implementation, review and follow-up.
Do you have a challenge in monitoring complex projects ?
Struggling with useful outcome monitoring ? – then see USAID 2013 discussion note on complexity-aware monitoring (http://usaidlearninglab.org/library/complexity-aware-monitoring-discussion-note-brief) it introduces 5 approaches that help us address three blind spots of classical performance monitoring (logframe-type approaches based on predicted linear causal pathways): 1) broader range of outcomes associated with the system; 2)