Promoting Pro-Poor growth: A Practical Guide to ex-ante Poverty Impact Assessment… This practical guide, developed by the DAC Network on Poverty Reduction (POVNET), is designed to help staff in developing countries and in aid agencies to plan and execute PIAs and to interpret their findings, the ultimate goal being
Sustainable Development Solutions
Karsten Weitzenegger supports private and public organisations to reach sustainable results of their actions and strategies.
Networks you can use for poverty impact assessment
African Parliamentary Poverty Reduction Network – (APRN) The APRN was created in 2003 in response to demands by African parliamentarians for a network that would bring together Members of Parliament from all over Africa interested in central issues such as poverty reduction to discuss and share best practices, lessons
Websites you can use for poverty impact assessment
BRIDGE – Gender and Poverty BRIDGE Gender and Poverty publications include summaries of key materials, good practice cases, lists of tools and checklists and key online resources. British Library for Development Studies Subject Guide on Poverty This Guide provides quick access to BLDS resources through pre-designed searches of
How will developing countries be affected by the global financial crisis?
A new report from the Institute of Development Studies (IDS) looks at the impact of the global financial crisis on the developing world. Results show that developing countries cannot be treated as a homogenous block. Concerns vary significantly across countries, depending on their current economic situation, exposure to specific impacts
A comprehensive plan to drive Europe’s recovery from the current economic crisis
The European Commission presented a Recovery Plan based on short-term measures to boost demand, save jobs and help restore confidence, and also on ”smart investment” to yield higher growth and sustainable prosperity in the longer-term. The Plan calls for a timely, targeted and temporary fiscal stimulus in 2009-2010 of EUR
Poverty (and social) impact analysis compared
PSIA is an approach developed in 2001 by the World Bank and other donors, while the PIA came about in 2006 as a result of discussions within the OECD Development Assistance Committee (DAC). The main difference between both tools is that the PIA is designed to focus on project, programmes
Standardisation should focus more on innovation
EU standardisation policy should focus more on product innovation and competitiveness, the European commission argued on Tuesday in a new policy paper. Standards and technical harmonisation can help speed-up the uptake of environmental technologies and liberalise trade in rapidly-growing markets, it said. The commission’s policy paper outlines actions for a
Promoting Pro-Poor growth: A Practical Guide to ex-ante Poverty Impact Assessment
Enabling poor women and men to participate in, contribute to and benefit from growth is critical to creating a path out of poverty and meeting the Millennium Development Goals. Yet without ex ante assessment of likely impacts, policies and programmes often fail to achieve the desired pro-poor impacts. To help
Policy Coherence for Development – Migration and Developing Countries
What are the costs and benefits of migration for developing countries? How can migration flows be better organised to yield greater benefits for all parties concerned—migrant-sending countries, migrant-receiving countries, and the migrants themselves? This OECD book seeks to answer these questions, taking stock of what we know about the effects
Website Launch Checklist
When deciding to launch a website, you should first check certain things listed here. If there are problems in any of these areas, your website’s functionality will be greatly reduced. Frankly, sending traffic to unfinished website only defeats the purpose of advertising in the first place. If you do check
The ValueLinks Manual. A Methodology for value chain promotion
This GTZ manual is the reference book for the ValueLinks methodology. ValueLinks is the name given to a systematic compilation of action-oriented methods for promoting economic development with a value chain perspective. It provides essential know-how on ways to enhance employment and the business income of micro and small-sized enterprises
THE READER 2006 – Implementing Sustainable Private Sector Development
THE READER 2006 – Implementing Sustainable Private Sector Development: Striving for Tangible Results for the Poor This year the Reader focuses on sustainable private sector development strategies. The 2006 Reader by Alexandra O. Miehlbradt and Mary McVay, edited by Jim Tanburn. The 2006 Reader Content: Private Sector Development: What’s