Reading List on Culture for Development

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Converging Pathways to New Knowledge
is a LabforCulture initiative considering the future of knowledge building and knowledge sharing within a new digital paradigm.

Creative Industries and Micro & Small Scale Enterprise Development
A Contribution to Poverty Alleviation, 2005, UNIDO

Culture as a tool for development: challenges of analysis and action
Mettre la culture au service du développement : défis d’analyse et d’action
Funded by the European Commission (EuropeAid-Budget line “Awareness raising on development”), ARCADE was an awareness raising project to culture and development coordinated by ACTED.

Culture as an engine for economic growth, employment and development,
Organization of American States.

Europe should invest in culture as part of its development effort
Industries based on creativity have done well, as both Silicon Valley and Britain’s vibrant creative sector can testify. Gie Goris makes a plea for the EU to invest in cultural projects in Africa and elsewhere as part of its aid effort. By Gie Goris, Europe’sWorld, Autumn 2008.

Guide méthodologique pour l’élaboration d’études sur l’impact socio-économique de la culture
The UEMOA and the EC have produced a methodological guide for developing studies on the socio-economic of the culture.

Heritage And Economic, Social and Human Development
Thematic Briefing Note on the external cooperation projects in the field of cultural heritage.

How Communication Contributes to Project and Program Success and Failure
Podcast by Independent Evaluation, Asian Development Bank.

Cultural Freedom: The Missing Dimension in Local Engagement for Sustainable Development
Presentation by Prasad Reddy introducing the Capability Approach and Nussbaum’s 10 Central Capabilities

Investing in Cultural Diversity and Intercultural Dialogue
UNESCO World Report 2009.

Is there a New Approach to Culture and Development in the Strategy of the EU Development Policy?
In the European Commission we think that it is time for a new approach to culture in the European development strategy. It is time for culture to finally catch up and claim its rightful place as a priority in the development agenda, a spot from where it should have never been absent, said Stefano Manservisi, Director General for Development of the European Commission, in 2009.

Local radio, going global
In this podcast, IDS Research Fellow Blane Harvey speaks to Hayes Mabweazara (University College Falmouth, UK) and David Smith (Okapi Consulting, South Africa) about radio, Information Communication Technologies (ICTs) and international development.

Manuel sur les Industries Culturelles ACP (2006)
Ce Manuel a deux objectifs : contribuer à faire connaître les politiques culturelles ACP et promouvoir une meilleure appréhension des avantages offerts par la coopération entre les ACP et la Communauté Européenne (CE) dans le domaine de la culture.

Putting culture first: commonwealth perspectives on culture and development
The report recommends that government, civil society and donors should incorporate a cultural perspective into their approaches to development, and that this commitment should be backed up by resources.

Putting culture first: Incorporating culture in development theory and practice
Commonwealth Foundation 2008 Report of a research project looking at culture, cultural policy and development.

Strategies and Methods for strengthening Culture in Development Aid
Paper by Morten G. Poulsen.

The Courier
The EC-ACP Magazine has a series of articles on culture.

The C-Picks E-Magazine
focuses on social and behaviour change communication (SBCC) to address issues and challenges in health and the environment.

The Economics and Management of Art and Culture
The series The Economics and Management of Art and Culture is an initiative belonging to the International Center for Art Economics – of the University Ca’ Foscari of Venice.

The Fourth Pillar of Sustainability. Culture’s Essential Role in Public Planning.
In 2001, the Australian researcher and activist Jon Hawkes proposed including a fourth pillar in sustainability: culture. His work considered a work of reference for local cultural policies. The Agenda 21 for culture is based on it.

UNDP, Human Development Report 2004
Cultural liberty in today’s diverse world,

UNESCO and the issue of Cultural Diversity: Review and Strategy, 1946-2007
Cultural pluralism is an enduring and central feature of UNESCO’s concerns. Nevertheless, the way in which cultural differences have been conceived in theory (ideas) and handled in practice has varied substantially over the Organization’s history.

UNESCO Convention on the Protection and Promotion of the Diversity of Cultural Expressions, 2005,

UNESCO Culture for Development Indicator Suite
Highlighting how culture contributes to development

UNESCO Policy Guide to develop cultural and creative industries

UNESCO World Report 2009 – Investing in Cultural Diversity and Intercultural Dialogue,
This report analyses all aspects of cultural diversity, which has emerged as a key concern of the international community in recent decades, and maps out new approaches to monitoring and shaping the changes that are taking place. It highlights, in particular, the interrelated challenges of cultural diversity and intercultural dialogue and the way in which strong homogenizing forces are matched by persistent diversifying trends. The report proposes a series of ten policy-oriented recommendations, to the attention of States, intergovernmental and non-governmental organizations, international and regional bodies, national institutions and the private sector on how to invest in cultural diversity.

UNESCO, The Power of Culture for Development, Paris
Culture, in all its dimensions, is a fundamental component of sustainable development. As a sector of activity, through tangible and intangible heritage, creative industries and various forms of artistic expressions, culture is a powerful contributor to economic development, social stability and environmental protection.

VIDEO: Culture in Development: Views from Abomey, Benin
Interview with William Codjo, a culture consultant, speaking about the importance of culture in development while in Abomey, Benin. Abomey is the historical capital of the ancient Dahomey kingdom formed in the 1600s. Today the palaces at Abomey are a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

Wikipedia on Cultural sustainability
A short description of "cultural sustainability" is now available in Wikipedia. "Culture is an important aspect of sustainable development, as it refers to how we understand and appreciate natural resources and each other. "