Grants of the European Union
EU funding will remain constant and will represent a safe haven for associations. The Financial Perspectives 2007-2013 represent a regular funding stream. EU funding provides concrete advantages compared with funds which are more exposed to market fluctuations and the financial crisis.
European Foundation Centre (EFC)
Although the EFC does not serve grantseekers directly, a pillar of its work is to provide a public record and public information service on foundations and corporate funders active in and with Europe in order to raise awareness and increase knowledge on independent funders. In an effort to assist its members in receiving more targeted, relevant applications for grants, the EFC has produced this brief guide for grantseekers on how to approach foundations and corporate funders for support.
Making your voice heard in the EU: A guide for NGOs
This training handbook was specifically designed by the Civil Society Contact Group for those ”newcomer” NGOs and activists that are in the process of establishing a European strategy. It does so by providing tailored-made information on EU institutions, the way European NGOs work, as well as lobbying tips, illustrated by examples of EU level campaigns.
International Grants and Funding Opportunities
by Fundsnet Online Services
Perhaps the most comprehensive site of its kind on the Internet today, is a privately owned Web site created in 1996 for the purpose of providing Nonprofit Organizations, Colleges and Universities with information on financial resources available on the Internet.
DevFunding website gives you direct connection to funding organisations. It covers grants and scholarships in development related fields tenders and calls funding possibilities for development research.
International/Foreign Grant Makers and Related Philanthropic News
by Jon Harrison, Michigan State University Libraries,
MSU FUNDING CENTER GUIDES. A collection of reference guides to the resources available in the Michigan State University Libraries.
International Donor Directory
The International Donor Directory Online features 700+ donors in the U.S., Europe, and abroad actively involved in grantmaking for international programs. Gain immediate access to hundreds of donors that are interested in funding your cause: HIV/AIDS, reproductive health, environment, population, women’s empowerment, microfinance, community development, and civil society, to name a few.
Development Marketplace
The Development Marketplace promotes innovative development ideas through early stage seed funding. We link social entrepreneurs with poverty fighting ideas to partners with resources to help implement their vision.
ECAS Guide to European Union Funding – Accessing Europe’s Largest Donor, Vol. 1 & 2
ECAS is pleased to announce the publication of the 13th edition of its guides to EU funding for NGOs. These two volumes – on funding within and outside the EU – are an invaluable source of information on a wealth of EU funds, making it easy for you to find your way around the programmes. They have been fully updated and revised for this year, including an essential chapter on the new financial perspectives for 2007-13.
Idealist Fundraising links resources will help you unravel the mysteries of fundraising. Idealist is a project of Action Without Borders, a nonprofit organization founded in 1995 with offices in the United States and Argentina.
Online initiative, working for the sustainability of NGOs by increasing their access to donors, resources, and skills. It uses technology to spread knowledge and increase capacity.
Balkan Civil Society Development Network (BCSDN)
Funding Database offers information on 107 sources offering funding and other support for projects in the SEE region. The database is accessible through a search engine or alphabetical list. Search is possible by one category at a time. For easy and user-friendly access, please consult The Short Guide to the Funding Database.
Guide to Funding and Participation in European Union Programmes
Die Europäische Union veröffentlicht mit dem Guide to funding and participation in European Union Programs eine Zusammenstellung über Finanzierungsmöglichkeiten in Osteuropa.
The World Bank Establishes a New Database on Grants
Database of grants financed by the Post-Conflict Fund and the Low Income Countries Under Stress (LICUS) Trust Fund. The Database features basic information on each of the projects supported by these two trust funds, including grant amounts, project components, recipients, etc. It also includes brief summaries of project results and lessons learned, updates on active projects, feature articles on noteworthy grant activities, and key documents produced as part of project activities, including in-depth project evaluations.
TRIALOG on EU funding
Weblinks for funding of NGO in the new EC Member States
COPAC Directory on Agencies Assisting Cooperatives
The Directory of Agencies Assisting Cooperatives is a compilation of information of the main sources of
external assistance available for the promotion of cooperatives in all regions of the world. It includes
information on the following types of organizations: inter-governmental, bilateral governmental, international
non-governmental, bilateral private and voluntary, as well as an expanded section on education and training
This Directory has been prepared by the Committee for the Promotion and Advancement of Cooperatives COPAC primarily to assist cooperatives and government departments identify potential
sources of external support for projects in the cooperative sector.
EU funding opportunitues in the Mediterranean region
Information Notice, [PDF, 319 kB]
The European Information System on Agricultural Research for Development
EIARD InfoSys is a network of European Partners that lists funding sources by different categories.
IFIS, Paris
IFIS is an Internet portal entirely and exclusively dedicated to international funding. ”Our automatic alert feature allows observers and/or operators to be informed about exactly the kind of market opportunity that interests them from among the entire array of international funding markets.”
USA Grants and Grantwriting Links
by Deborah L. Kluge, Independent Consultant
comMENAcation – Wissensgesellschaft im Nahen Osten und Nordafrika
Pages of potential donors, project funding and further opportunities (free computers, etc.)
Fundraising Guide
This guide, produced by Network Learning, is designed to help small non-profit organisations in the South to realise their capacity in work and fundraising.
Women’s Fundraising Handbook
Designed especially for first-time fundraisers, the Global Fund’s updated handbook presents some key ideas about raising money to fund women’s rights work in today’s global political and economic context.
Echoing Green Fellowship Program
Every year, Echoing Green accepts applications for their two year fellowship program from anyone who meets their basic eligibility requirements and who has an innovative approach for addressing tough social challenges. For more information on the Program check their website.
Smithsonian Fellowships for Theorizing the Economics of Cultural Heritage
Rockefeller Foundation Humanities Fellows at the Smithsonian Institution Center for Folklife and Cultural Heritage will help expand and refine the theoretical framework for cultural heritage to include grassroots voices. Reflecting the perspectives of civil society groups, public cultural organizations, and academic specialists, fellows’ work will inform dialogues and practice across social, political, and disciplinary boundaries, as well as indicate future directions for policy.
The Seed Awards
The Seed Awards – part of IUCN, UNDP and UNEP’s new Seed Initiative (Supporting Entrepreneurs for Environment and Development) – is an international award scheme for innovative and entreprenueurial partnership ideas which contribute to sustainable development.
International Scholarship Resources
Maker of the are doing great voluntarily works in spreading any scholarship informations to both International and Indonesian students.