A ten-point memorandum entitled “The Climate – Justice – Cooperation Nexus: 10 Cornerstones of the Great Transformation towards Sustainability” was presented as the outcome of the conference. This memorandum defines key global challenges for the coming years and calls upon state and non-governmental actors to accelerate their efforts to tackle climate change.
Human wellbeing, peace, security, and the stability of the Earth system are at a crossroads
At this year’s climate conference in Bonn the world finds itself at a crossroads. The talks will no longer be about a mere reduction of greenhouse gases, but will have to discuss a socially responsible decarbonisation of the world economy and a new dynamic of global cooperation in the face of nationalism and xenophobia.
On Monday, 6 November, the highly anticipated 2017 United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP23) starts in Bonn. Just before the summit opens its doors for delegates and guests from around the world, the German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE) and the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA) are hosting a two-day dialogue conference (http://www.crossroadsbonn.org) back-to-back with COP23 bringing together politics, economy, civil society, academia, artists and the media.
The #CrossroadsBonn Conference was held on 4-5 November 2017 in Bonn, back to back with COP23. We need a new culture of global cooperation, substantiated by mutual respect and support, to make the transformation towards sustainability a reality. This is the main message we want to develop and feed into the climate negotiations.
Karsten Weitzenegger takes part for SID to cover the topics from a practitioner’s viewpoint in search for applicable sustainable development solutions.
Humanity has a clear choice: Will we let this unique opportunity for a global transformation towards sustainability slip through our hands, or will we take action towards ensuring a future in which we live within our planetary boundaries?
Some Weblinks on the Climate Conference in Bonn
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