Take MERLOT from California
Karsten Weitzenegger joined MERLOT, the Multimedia Educational Resources for Learning and Online Teaching, in 2004. It is a great resource for all development professionals in English-speaking environments.
MERLOT is a free and open online community of resources designed primarily for faculty, staff and students of higher education from around the world to share their learning materials and pedagogy.
The California State University System is using MERLOT’s collection of almost 40,000 OER (Open Educational Resources), over 2,000 Open Textbooks, and over 3,500 Open Courseware resources as the backbone of their strategic initiative to lower the cost of course materials for students.
Explore and use Cal State’s Affordable Learning Solutions website as your own one-stop shop for free teaching and learning materials. You can type in the ISBN of your textbook and the MERLOT OER Finder tool will provide you a list of related OER to your textbook.
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MERLOT is the place to find online learning materials, web sites and educational digital libraries. Here are other Learning Object Repositories you can access through MERLOT.
See also