
How is phytosanitary knowledge managed globally?

A recent STDF project evaluation on developing training manuals and kits on IPPC standards scored highly on relevance and efficiency. With 20+ global manuals now published, National Plant Protection Organizations have greater access to technical resources. View the guides online and download the evaluation report.  The World Trade Organization has contracted Karsten

IDEAs International Development Economics Associates

IDEAs International Development Economics Associates

IDEAs or the International Development Economics Associates is committed to building a pluralistic network of committed researchers,  teachers and other economists interested in advancing progressive heterodox approaches to critically analysing and addressing the problems of economic development processes. IDEAs was established in New Delhi, India with a purpose of building

EU External Investment Plan

The European External Investment Plan to boost jobs and growth in developing countries

The European Fund for Sustainable Development (EFSD) is the heart piece of the EU’s new External Investment Plan (EIP). Its role is to help boosting private and public investment in our partner countries to address some of the obstacles to growth and some root reasons for irregular migration. The EFSD

World leaders look for ways to spark a new green revolution #PAGEBerlin

Leading economists, CEOs, ministers, heads of UN agencies and high-level representatives from nongovernmental organizations meet in Berlin to boost the green economy and set a path to the 2030 Agenda. Countries have donated close to €15 million so far while Uruguay and Guyana have joined the Partnership for Action on

Evaluation of Finland’s Aid for Trade

Finland’s Aid for Trade (AFT) projects in the past years have produced results and contributed to impact in specific sectors, in which Finland has competitive advantages and can bring added value. These sectors are water, energy, environment, ICT and innovation, forestry and fisheries.  Evaluation Aid for Trade (PDF, 272 pages, 343 kb)

Why Evaluations Fail: The Importance of Good Monitoring

Evaluation reports frequently blame poor monitoring data for preventing a full assessment of programme outcomes. Meanwhile, programme staff often complain that evaluations come too late, too infrequently, and don’t contain much useful information. This illustrates a common problem: the disconnect between monitoring and evaluation reduces the effectiveness of both. A