Visit Weitzenegger’s International Development Job Market if you are looking for a job in development cooperation. This Website gives you a list of professional opportunities around the world. Here are also links to the relevant job market sites. We do this as a free service to the colleagues who contact us for finding jobs.
We are constantly looking for individual consultants in different fields of development co-operation. Interested candidates should have experience in conducting short-term missions (studies, evaluations, technical assistance, trainings) or in implementing long-term projects. We are always happy to receive your CV to add new skills to our database of experts.
Do you have in-depth sectoral expertise with a related academic degree and working experience in developing countries/emerging economies? Are you familiar with development cooperation programmes and instruments?
Then please send your CV directly to me at . I will consider your expertise and ambitions and keep an eye on suitable opportunities.
As format, please use this template in English, French, Spanish or/and Portuguese.
cv-es.rtf and save it with your name (“Miller_Maria.rtf”).
See also