EVALSDG Network’ first briefing note “Evaluation: a crucial ingredient for SDG success” is now published. Please see the attachment and the link http://pubs.iied.org/pdfs/17357IIED.pdf
Main Policy Pointers:
- Measurement is not enough: monitoring must be accompanied by evaluation that addresses the complexity of the SDGs and how they are achieved.
- National policy evaluation is essential in the review and follow-up process.
- Evaluation builds evidence for claims about the value of policies, programmes and strategies.
- Evaluative thinking is a critical element in building the capacity of policymakers and parliamentarians to make informed decisions about success in achieving the SDGs.
EVALSDG is a network of interested and skilled policy makers, institutions and practitioners who advocate for the evaluability of the performance indicators of the new SDGs and support processes to integrate evaluation into national and global review systems.
EVALSDG members work to support the evaluation community to be prepared for evaluating initiatives towards better outcomes for the SDGs and ultimately, the “World We Want”.