The Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung has commissioned Karsten Weitzenegger to evaluate their work in North-Macedonia. FES has been represented with an office in Skopje since 1996. There is a part of the regional project “Social and Political Dialogue in Southeastern Europe”.
For decades, FES has been working as a partner in German foreign and development policy. The promotion of social justice, democracy, peace and security has always been the priority. In Europe, the social design of the European Union and the acceptance of the European idea are central issues. This also determines the overall goals of the FES in Macedonia.
Evaluation criteria are primarily relevance and impact, as well as effectiveness, efficiency, and sustainability. The evaluation report should provide recommendations for the further development of project strategy, objectives and steering, which can be used for the future strategic orientation of the project. As a learning organization, the Foundation aspires to use the results of evaluations for the learning process.