Completed Assignments of Karsten Weitzenegger
- Ghana, 2016, Mid-term Evaluation of the Trade Related Assistance and Quality Enabling Programme (TRAQUE) Improving trade related capacity and performance of the Ministry of Trade and Industry and related agencies. Supporting the national quality policy and the related National Quality Infrastructure. EU Delegation Accra, Contracted by ALTAIR Asesores AETS Consortium.
- Finland, 2015/2016,, Evaluation of Finish Aid for Trade. Asses the implementation and achievement of goals of the Finland’s Action Plan 2012-2015 for Aid for Trade. Evaluate how the cross cutting objectives and human rights based approach are fulfilled in Aid for Trade projects and analyse the relations between Aid for Trade and other sectors and themes. Approach and survey design. Case Study on the funding instruments Finnfund and Finnpartnership. Country Study Tanzania. Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland, Contracted by FCG International Ltd.
- Argentina, Uruguay, 2015, Final Evaluation of the Regional Project “Promoting workers’ rights in Latin America” sub-projects “Support to social dialogue, workers’ rights and employment” in Uruguay with Instituto Cuesta Duarte and “Promotion of trade unions in the private sector ” in Argentina with Centro de Estudios y Formación Sindical. Contracted by DGB Bildungswerk
- Palestine territories, 2014, Evaluation of Social Accountability Pilot Interventions, Youth Create Change Programme, Local Governance and Civil Society Development Programme (LGP 3), Palestinian territories, BMZ financed. Contracted by GIZ, Office Ramallah
- Germany, 2014, Review of the Global Partnership Programme (PGP) that enables dialogue and new forms of cooperation on specific global issues ranging from social security to biodiversity to financial sector stability and market conduct. Team Leader of the Project Progress Review (PFK), BMZ contribution 12,0 mn €. Contracted by GIZ, FGE Globale Partnerschaften
- Jordan, 2013, Evaluation of the Socio-political Consultation Program 2003-2013 regarding relevance, effectiveness, impact, sustainability and strategy with the Amman office team and key partners. Contracted by Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, Amman Office.
- Jordan, 2012, Final Evaluation of “Support to Regulatory Reform and Privatisation in infrastructure (SRRP). Contracted by Lambard Consultants for EU Delegation Amman. Financed by European Commission ENPI (20.0 mn. EUR).
- Central America, 2011, Evaluation of the Capacity Development Programme “Policy coherence for a sustainable energy policy” in Central America, Colombia and Mexico. Assessment of the effects and impact of the programme and recommendations for future human capacity development, regional cooperation in the energy sector. Contracted by AGEG Consultants for GIZ. Financed by German BMZ.
- Brazil, Colombia, 2011, Evaluation on the International Leadership Training (ILT) on Sustainable Management in Latin America, Contracted by AGEG Consultants for GIZ. Financed by German BMZ (1,9 mn EUR).
- South Africa, 2011, Evaluation of development impacts of the Youth Exchange Programme “Go Africa . . . Go Germany” of the German Federal Agency for Civic Education. Contracted by AGEG Consultants for GIZ. Financed by German BMZ.
- Germany, 2010, Evaluation of the Development Volunteers Service “weltwärts” with regard to its concept, implementation and impact so far as well as its procedures and organization, leading to recommendations for the further development of the weltwärts Program. The evaluation covered all program concept and implantation, processes, organizational structure and operations, the interaction of the relevant stakeholders, management. Contracted by Ramboll for German BMZ. Financed by German BMZ (70 mn EUR).
- Jordan, 2010, Regional Dialogue and Capacity Building on the Economic Reforms in Egypt, Jordan and Syria. Preparing and delivering a Regional Workshop on Project Monitoring and Evaluation for 24 public sector managers. Contracted by Ramboll for InWEnt. Financed by German BMZ.
- LDCs, 2010, Investing in People: Promoting Social Cohesion, Employment and Decent Work. Services Rendered: Assessment of 60 Concept Notes and 10 Full Applications for the Call for Proposals “Support for social inclusion and social protection of workers in the informal economy and of vulnerable groups at community level” Contracted by Agriconsulting for EuropeAid. Financed by European Commission.
- West Africa, 2010, Strengthening ECOWAS Institutional Capacity through Strategic Management Advice and Technical Expertise. External Monitor for the Project Progress Review. Contracted by AGEG Consultants for GTZ. Financed by German BMZ (5.8 mn EUR).
- Uruguay, 2009, Uruguay INTEGRA Sector Assistance Programme for Social and Territorial Cohesion, DCI/ALA/2007/19009. External Monitoring as part ot the Programme of External Aid of the European Commission to Latin America. Contracted by Eptisa for for EuropeAid. Financed by European Commission (12 mn EUR).
- Argentina, 2009, Programme for Social Dialogue and Employment in Latin America, Component: Employment creation in self-managed enterprises and labour cooperatives. Final Evaluation. Contracted by AGEG Consultants for DGB Bildungswerk. Financed by German BMZ (1.4 mn EUR).
- Uruguay, 2008, Programme for Social Dialogue and Employment in Latin America, Component: Labour Market and Wages System Capacity Building. Final Evaluation. Contracted by AGEG Consultants for DGB Bildungswerk. Financed by German BMZGerman BMZ-contribution 1.0 mn Euro.
- Mexico, 2008, Programme for Social Dialogue and Employment in Latin America, Component: Female Labour and Globalisation, Final Evaluation. Contracted by AGEG Consultants for DGB Bildungswerk. Financed by German BMZGerman BMZ-contribution 1.6 mn Euro.
- Bosnia & Herzegovina, 2008, Credit and Business Support for Housing and Economic Development, Final Impact Evaluation on poverty reduction targets in Eastern and North-Eastern Region. Contracted by AGEG Consultants for World Vision International. Financed by Swedish SIDA (4.0 mn Euro).
- Belize, 2008, Identification of priority sectors offering economic diversification opportunities in the Districts of Corozal and Orange Walk in Northern Belize Framework Contract EUROPEAID/119860/C/SV/multi Lot 10 N° 2007/145909. Services Rendered: Small and Medium Business Identification of employment and business strategies for the districts. Contracted by AGEG Consultantsfor Transtec/SEQUA. Financed by European Commission.
- Brazil, 2007, Capacity Building for trade unions and other labour market experts in workers’ rights and social standards. Final Evaluation Contracted by AGEG Consultants for DGB Bildungswerk. Financed by German BMZ.
- Suriname, 2005, Final Evaluation of the Micro Projects Programme II (8 ACP SUR 003), EDF-contribution: 5. 0 mn EUR. The project purpose was to improve the socio-economic condition of vulnerable groups of the population through the development of sustainable and participatory self-help schemes. The institutional strengthening of civil society organizations was fundamental to reach a large number of communities and deliver micro-projects effectively. Contracted by Euronet Consulting for EU Delegation Paramaribo. Financed by European Development Fund.
- Belize, 2005, Final Evaluation of the Micro-Enterprise Credit Scheme (8 ACP BEL 003) managed by the Social Investment Fund (SIF), Contracted by Euronet Consulting for EU Delegation Kingston. Financed by European Development Fund (1.6 mn EUR).
- Guyana, 2005, Final Evaluation of the Guyana Training Agency Programme on technical and vocational training. Contracted by HYPODOMI Consulting for EU Delegation Georgetown. Financed by European Development Fund (1.8 mn EUR).
- Caribbean, 2005, Final Evaluation of the Caribbean University Level Programme (CULP). Conclusions and recommendations on sustainability, impact, effectiveness, efficiency and the feasibility of replication the programme in the ACP system. Contracted by AGEG for EU Delegation Kingston. Financed by European Development Fund (24.7 mn EUR).
- Guyana, 2004, Mid-Term Evaluation of the Linden Economic Advancement Programme (LEAP). Recommendation concerning how to improve the efficiency, effectiveness and sustainability of the project. Contracted by ECODES Consortium for EU Delegation Georgetown. Financed by European Development Fund (12.5 mn EUR).
- Czech Republic, 2004, Evaluation of a small SME credit line managed by the Bohemia Foundation. Contracted by AGEG for Baden-Württemberg International Financed by German BMI.