‘Corporate Accountability’ as defined in an NGO-statement submitted to the United Nations in 1997 refers to ‘the legal obligation of a company to do the right thing. The aim of corporate accountability is to be sure a company’s products and operations are in the interests of society and not harmful.’
Sustainable Development Solutions
Karsten Weitzenegger supports private and public organisations to reach sustainable results of their actions and strategies.
Trainer’s Manual: Local Economic Development Strategies
Making Local Economic Development Strategies: A Trainer’s Manual has been developed as a resource to train municipal officials and community representatives in the core elements of local economic development strategic planning. The Manual consists of six separate but complimentary sections that together form a comprehensive teaching tool for devising an
Special Newsletter on Post-conflict economies
The October 2006 Newsletter for international co-operation professionals on economic and social development by Karsten Weitzenegger (http://www.weitzenegger.de) has a Special Edition on Post-conflict economies. There is a report on the conference Private Sector Development and Peacebuilding, relevant Organisations and Websites, Training Events and Learning Materials, Publications and Tools. Free subscription
Conference Report: Private Sector Development and Peacebuilding
Conference Report: Private Sector Development and Peacebuilding BMZ, DiFD, GTZ and International Alert organized an international conference on ‘Private Sector Development and Peacebuilding – Exploring Local and International Perspectives’ in Berlin on the 14/15 September 2006. During these two days some 140 experts in the fields of private sector development
Guide for training in Enterprise development
A tool available online from the Rural Finance Learning CentreThis training guide provides the material for a seven day training course in enterprise development, which is intended for the staff of NGOs and other organisations, including government departments, whose mandate is to promote "income-generation" or "micro-enterprises" among poor people.http://www.ruralfinance.org/servlet/CDSServlet?status=ND02NTM4JjY9ZW4mMzM9KiYzNz1rb3M~
Private Sector Development e-discussion: How to Tackle the Problem of Rising Informality?
Join the new online discussion offered by the Rapid Response Web site on Private Sector Development. How to Tackle the Problem of Rising Informality? http://rru.worldbank.org/Discussions/topics/topic64.aspx The number of informal firms – those operating beyond the reach of the law – is rising, accounting for more than 30% of developing world
Why is the supply of BDS to small enterprises often so low?
The supply side in weak BDS markets must be considered carefully during the market assessment. Macro-economic constraints to BDS market development must be identified and removed before starting the market development. The "crowding out" of private suppliers by competition of subsidized monopoly providers must be revealed and stopped. The cost
Why do small business hesitate to invest in people management and training?
Investing in people management and training is the only chance for a small business to overcome market disconnectedness in an Era of Knowledge-Based Economies. BDS can be the bridge for providing access to procedures and practises, standards and innovation. Entrepreneurs accustomed to free services are likely to resist paying for
Case study: Hamburg’s Initiative for Business Start-ups and Innovation
Hamburg’s Initiative for Business Start-ups was designed as public-private-partnership to strengthen the demand of BDS by a training voucher system. At the same time, the supply was structured and made transparent in a catalogue and a directory. The large number of existing providers was oriented more towards business starters. The
Remittances to Africa overtake FDI
An United Nations report finds that remittances from Africans working abroad during 2000-2003 averaged about US$17 billion annually, while FDI flows averaged about US$15 billion during the same period. Official development assistance is still the main external resource flow for Africa. The report highlights the need for reducing the cost
The Role of Outsourcing in Reversing the Brain Drain into Brain Gain
According to a report published by the Public Policy Institute of California, economic opportunities in China and India are drawing well-educated and U.S. based Chinese and Indian entrepreneurs back home, reversing the brain drain that the two countries have experienced. Brain Drain, or the migration of skilled and educated individuals
Migration and Development: How to make migration work for poverty reduction
This report produced by the UK Parliament illustrates how governments and organisations can make migration work for the poor. It looks at the opportunities for improving the quality of migration, and ways in which policy can shape and respond to migration to make it work better for development and poverty