EVALSDG Network’ second briefing note is ready:
Counting critically: SDG ‘follow-up and review’ needs interlinked indicators, monitoring and evaluation
Global indicators are important for understanding progress towards each of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). However, they can mask sub-national and thematic variations. They cannot explain how or why change occurred or its significance to different stakeholders. Evaluation helps to define and assess the worth, merit and significance of national policies in different contexts. This briefing introduces key considerations for the use of indicators, monitoring and evaluation of SDGs implementation, review and follow-up at the national level. It promotes the importance of context-sensitivity, broad stakeholder involvement and adaptive management approaches in efforts to achieve development results. It is the second in a series of briefings discussing the role of evaluation in achieving the SDGs.
Download the pdf at http://pubs.iied.org/17363IIED
EVALSDGs is a network of policymakers, institutions, and practitioners who advocate for the critical roles played by evaluation at the national, regional, and global levels in examining progress toward achievement of the SDGs. EvalSDG members work to support the evaluation community to be prepared for evaluating initiatives towards better outcomes for the SDGs and ultimately, the “World We Want”.