
Completed Assignments of Karsten Weitzenegger

  • Central American Integration System SICA., 2012-2014, Design and implementation of the program ‘Development of entrepreneurial skills in the professional training of young people in social disadvantage’ with 20 delegates from Costa Rica, Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador. Contracted by AGEG Consultants eG for GIZ. Financed by German BMZ.
  • SADC, 2012, Entrepreneurship development and policy training for 14 participates from Southern African (SADC) countries. International Leadership Training “Innovative Regional Economic Development & Trade Promotion”. Contracted by APPLICATIO for GIZ. Financed by German BMZ.
  • Central America, 2011, Evaluation of the Capacity Development Programme “Policy coherence for a sustainable energy policy” in Central America, Colombia and Mexico. Assessment of the effects and impact of the programme and recommendations for future human capacity development, regional cooperation in the energy sector. Contracted by AGEG Consultants for GIZ. Financed by German BMZ.
  • Brazil, Colombia, 2011, Evaluation on the International Leadership Training (ILT) on Sustainable Management in Latin America, Contracted by AGEG Consultants for GIZ. Financed by German BMZ (1,9 mn EUR).
  • South Africa, 2011, Evaluation of development impacts of the Youth Exchange Programme “Go Africa . . . Go Germany” of the German Federal Agency for Civic Education. Contracted by AGEG Consultants for GIZ. Financed by German BMZ.
  • Germany, 2010, Evaluation of the Development Volunteers Service “weltwärts” with regard to its concept, implementation and impact so far as well as its procedures and organization, leading to recommendations for the further development of the weltwärts Program. The evaluation covered all program concept and implantation, processes, organizational structure and operations, the interaction of the relevant stakeholders, management. Contracted by Ramboll for German BMZ. Financed by German BMZ (70 mn EUR).
  • Jordan, 2010, Regional Dialogue and Capacity Building on the Economic Reforms in Egypt, Jordan and Syria. Preparing and delivering a Regional Workshop on Project Monitoring and Evaluation for 24 public sector managers. Contracted by Ramboll for InWEnt. Financed by German BMZ.
  • West Africa, 2010, Strengthening ECOWAS Institutional Capacity through Strategic Management Advice and Technical Expertise. External Monitor for the Project Progress Review. Contracted by AGEG Consultants for GTZ. Financed by German BMZ (5.8 mn EUR).
  • Argentina, 2009, Programme for Social Dialogue and Employment in Latin America, Component: Employment creation in self-managed enterprises and labour cooperatives. Final Evaluation. Contracted by AGEG Consultants for DGB Bildungswerk. Financed by German BMZ (1.4 mn EUR).
  • Uruguay, 2008, Programme for Social Dialogue and Employment in Latin America, Component: Labour Market and Wages System Capacity Building. Final Evaluation. Contracted by AGEG Consultants for DGB Bildungswerk. Financed by German BMZGerman BMZ-contribution 1.0 mn Euro.
  • Mexico, 2008, Programme for Social Dialogue and Employment in Latin America, Component: Female Labour and Globalisation, Final Evaluation. Contracted by AGEG Consultants for DGB Bildungswerk. Financed by German BMZGerman BMZ-contribution 1.6 mn Euro.
  • Bosnia & Herzegovina, 2008, Credit and Business Support for Housing and Economic Development, Final Impact Evaluation on poverty reduction targets in Eastern and North-Eastern Region. Contracted by AGEG Consultants for World Vision International. Financed by Swedish SIDAS (4.0 mn Euro).
  • Brazil, 2007, Capacity Building for trade unions and other labour market experts in workers’ rights and social standards. Services Rendered: Final Evaluation Contracted by AGEG Consultants for DGB Bildungswerk. Financed by German BMZ.
  • Turkey, 2007, to SPO to build Capacity at Central, Regional and Local Level to Implement Economic and Social Cohesion Measures in Line with the pNDP, Project no: TR 0405. 01. Capacity Improvement in the Field of Economic and Social Cohesion (ESC), Component: Support for the effective implementation of ESC measures. Contracted by AGEG Consultants for GTZ IS. Financed by European Commission.
  • Afghanistan, 2007, Training and Coaching of Emergent Leaders, Civil Service Leadership Development, IARCSC/UNDP Civil Service Development Programme. Design and implementation of the training and coaching programme, holding workshops for training of local trainers. Contracted by Applicatio for InWEnt. Financed by United Nations Development Programme.
  • Cape Verde, 2007, Contrat Cadre LDX/LUX Projet CVE/971. Design of a Vocation Training Sector Programme including private sector development and entrepreneurship development. Contracted by AGEG Consultants for Proman/SNEDE. Financed by Luxembourg Development (12.0 mn EUR).
  • Andean Community, 2005, Andean Community Regional Technical Assistance related to Commerce project (ATRC), Delivering workshops on eCommerce and information society for Government managers in Peru, Bolivia, Ecuador, Colombia and Venezuela. Contracted by AGEG Consultants for ARCA. Financed by European Commission, Comunidad Andina de Naciones.
  • Guyana, 2005, Final Evaluation of the Guyana Training Agency Programme on technical and vocational training. Contracted by HYPODOMI Consulting for EU Delegation Georgetown. Financed by European Development Fund (1.8 mn EUR).
  • Caribbean, 2005, Final Evaluation of the Caribbean University Level Programme (CULP). Conclusions and recommendations on sustainability, impact, effectiveness, efficiency and the feasibility of replication the programme in the ACP system. Contracted by AGEG for EU Delegation Kingston. Financed by European Development Fund (24.7 mn EUR).
  • Germany, 2004, Design study for an information system for further education in development policy. Database on Capacity Building for the MDGs. Contracted by InWEnt e-learning Division. Financed by German BMZ.
  • Guyana, 2003, Vocational Training Workshops on Strategic Management for Business (Manage business operations and Manage people performance). Beneficiary: EC Guyana Training Agency Inc. Contracted by GTZ IS for EU Delegation Georgetown. Financed by European Development Fund.
  • Brazil, 2001-2002, SENAI-GTZ project for technology transfer in the textile industry. Methodological support for Human Resource Development and Knowledge Management at CETIQT. Education and institutional capacity building for improved labour market interventions and sound financing of SENAI. Beneficiary: SENAI Contracted by GFA for GTZ. Financed by German BMZ.
  • Argentina, 2000, Training and institutional capacity building for improved BDS facilitation, Design of a public/private Local Development Programme for Córdoba. Beneficiary: CIMCC Chamber of Metal and Component Industry. Contracted by INTEGRATION for GTZ. Financed by German BMZ.
  • Malaysia, 2000, Monitoring and evaluation Training for the Malaysian Ministry of Education. Contracted by INTEGRATION for Asian Development Bank. Financed by Government of Malaysia.
  • Guatemala, 1999, Capacity building for business support services using Internet and eCommerce solutions for the exporters association. Beneficiary: Association of Exporters of Non-Traditional Products AGEXPRONT. Contracted by INTEGRATION for GTZ. Financed by German BMZ.
  • Moldova, 1999, Workshop on competitiveness and country marketing. Training and institutional capacity building. Beneficiary: Procomert Centrul Austro-German Business Centre. Contracted by INTEGRATION for GTZ. Financed by German BMZ.
  • Argentina, 1997, Capacity building and HRD for marketing services by the business association CIMCC for automotive components industry, including trade fair organisation. Beneficiary: Chamber Metal and Component Industry CIMCC. Contracted by INTEGRATION for GTZ. Financed by German BMZ.