Decolonise international development consulting

We had a discussion today among colleagues of INTRAC and other leading organisations on decolonising consultancy. Here are some thoughts about it. Please follow INTRAC and join the discussion: Is international development consulting colonial? In certain ways, international development consulting can be characterised as colonial, however it is crucial

Evaluation in the COVID-19 pandemic mode

Evaluation in the COVID-19 pandemic mode, Part 1 by Karsten Weitzenegger, updated 7 May 2020 Evaluation can inform global policy decisions during the coronavirus pandemic. However, M&E systems themselves are affected by the current crisis. Here is a quick review of recent literature. This may guide evaluators and managers in

How to build a theory of change for an impact evaluation | Video by Howard White

Speaker: Professor Howard White, Former Executive Director, 3ie A comprehensive theory of change is integral to designing a high quality and policy relevant impact evaluation. In this video, Professor Howard White uses the example of a school feeding programme to illustrate the steps involved in building a theory of

EuropeAid’s evaluation and results-oriented monitoring systems do not provide adequate information

EuropeAid’s evaluation and results-oriented monitoring systems do not provide adequate information on EU development expenditure results, says the European Court of Auditors. Two of the key elements of the accountability framework operated by the European Commission’s Directorate-General for Development and Cooperation (EuropeAid) are its evaluation and results-oriented monitoring (ROM) systems.