Berlin – Today German federal development minister Dirk Niebel and his State Secretary Hans-Jürgen Beerfeltz have opened the new independent evaluation institute of the German developing cooperation with the name “DEval”.
The independent evaluation institute DEval is owned by the Federal Government and has 38 staff based in Bonn. It is headed by the renowned scientist Dr. Helmut Asche.
The mission of the institute is to scientifically conduct independent analyses and evaluations of the effectiveness, efficiency and sustainability of measures of the state and state-funded development cooperation and to develop recommendations for their improvement.
The institute shall also raise expertise and capacity in partner countries for their own performance measurement of development actions. In addition, an internal competence center will promote methods for monitoring and evaluating impact.
DEval – Deutsches Evaluierungsinstitut der Entwicklungszusammenarbeit gGmbH
Tulpenfeld 7, 53113 Bonn, Tel: +49 228-20717-371,