Search the most relevant resources for African development here with a query for your keywords. The customised Google search concentrates on well selected Websites, libraries, blogs and newsletters. We offer some more search engines alike.
- Africa related databases (The Nordic Africa Institute)
- African Studies Internet Resources — Virtual Library (Columbia University)
- African Studies Thesaurus
- African Studies Centre Catalogue (Leiden University)
- Africa News Search
- General International Organizations: the AU, the UN, and others
- Economic Development, Education, & Environmental Affairs Organizations
- Health-Related Organizations
- Human Rights and Governance in Africa
- ilissAfricailissAfrica (internet library sub-saharan Africa)
- Africana-related sites of interest (Göteborg University)
- African Studies Center On-Line Resources (University of Pennsylvania)
- Africa South of the Sahara, Selected Internet Resources (Stanford University)
- Africana Resources on the Internet (Northwestern University, Illinois)
- An A-Z of African Studies on the Internet (Michigan State University)
- African Studies Internet Resources (Columbia University, New York)
- A Guide to Africa on Internet (Nordic Africa Institute, Uppsala)
- Africa Research Central (California State University)
- AfricaBib(University of Arkansas)
- Search of Quaterly index to periodical literature (Library of Congress, Nairobi
- H-AFRICA (Michigan State University)

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