Completed Assignments of Karsten Weitzenegger
- SADC, 2012, Entrepreneurship development and policy training for 14 participates from Southern African (SADC) countries. International Leadership Training “Innovative Regional Economic Development & Trade Promotion”. Contracted by APPLICATIO for GIZ. Financed by German BMZ.
- LDCs, 2010, Investing in People: Promoting Social Cohesion, Employment and Decent Work. Services Rendered: Assessment of 60 Concept Notes and 10 Full Applications for the Call for Proposals “Support for social inclusion and social protection of workers in the informal economy and of vulnerable groups at community level” Contracted by Agriconsulting for EuropeAid. Financed by European Commission.
- West Africa, 2010, Strengthening ECOWAS Institutional Capacity through Strategic Management Advice and Technical Expertise. External Monitor for the Project Progress Review. Contracted by AGEG Consultants for GTZ. Financed by German BMZ (5.8 mn EUR).
- Cape Verde, 2007, Project Description: Contrat Cadre LDX/LUX Projet CVE/971. Design of a Vocation Training Sector Programme including private sector development and entrepreneurship development. Contracted by AGEG Consultants for Proman/SNEDE. Financed by Luxembourg Development (12.0 mn EUR).
- Equatorial Guinea, 2006, Preparatory Study for the 10th European Development Fund. Strategies for economic development, business environment, external commerce, and regional integration. Contracted by AGEG Consultants for Asesores de Comercio Exterior. Financed by European Development Fund.
- São Tomé & Príncipe, 1994-1996, Contract management and supervision of the UNDP-financed Country Programme. Management of the component for economic transition planning and administrative reform. Contracted by United Nations Development Programme