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Sustainable Development Solutions
Karsten Weitzenegger supports private and public organisations to reach sustainable results of their actions and strategies.
Evaluation included in SDG Outcome document
The United Nations Evaluation Group (UNEG) reports that the outcome document of the United Nations Summit for the adoption of the post-2015 development agenda, “Transforming Our World: The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development“, is now available. It was agreed to by consensus by Member States on Sunday, 2 August 2015. The United
Amina J. Mohammed: “It is time for a sustainable development agenda”
The UN Special Adviser on Post-2015 Development Planning explains why the sustainable development agenda is inclusive, timely and imperative. “This is an agenda about investing, it’s not charity. It’s in everyone’s interest.” Amina J. Mohammed “We are better investing now, because we won’t be able to afford t later.” Amina
How to build a theory of change for an impact evaluation | Video by Howard White
Speaker: Professor Howard White, Former Executive Director, 3ie A comprehensive theory of change is integral to designing a high quality and policy relevant impact evaluation. In this video, Professor Howard White uses the example of a school feeding programme to illustrate the steps involved in building a theory of
▶ Evaluators would make good pirates
Maurice, the Evaluation Pirate, explains why professional evaluators would make good pirates. via ▶ Evaluators and Pirates – YouTube.

Foro Emprendedurismo para jóvenes en desventaja social
Desarrollo de habilidades emprendedoras en la formación profesional de jóvenes en desventaja social El Programa ‘Desarrollo de habilidades en la formación profesional de desventaja social en Centroamérica’ de la GIZ financiado por el Ministerio Federal de Cooperación Económica y Desarrollo de Alemania (BMZ) 2012-2013, esta cerrado. El grupo continua en
Strengthening the Quality Infrastructure in Sri Lanka
PTB appraisal mission to Sri Lanka Background Within the framework of its international technical cooperation, funded by the German Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), the German National Metrology Institute “PTB” (Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt) is preparing a new bilateral cooperation with Sri Lanka in the field of Quality Infrastructure (QI).
Volunteers vital to success of new global development agenda, UN report says
New York (UN) – Volunteers are playing a vital role in making governments worldwide more accountable and responsive to their citizens, but their potential is seriously under-valued, a new report from the United Nations Volunteers (UNV) programme says. The State of the World’s Volunteerism Report 2015 is the first global
Global Daily – Free service for global citizens to find the latest news on #globalgoals and sustainable development
Global Daily – Your world. Your issues. Your news. Global Daily brings you the most important news and resources about the Sustainable Development Goals from around the world. The Sustainable Development Goals: a set of global targets that will be used to shape international development over the next 15 years.
ILO warns of widespread insecurity in the global labour market
How is the world of work changing? Are permanent contracts the norm or the exception? Discover the new World Employment and Social Outlook 2015 (WESO). Raymond Torres, Head of the ILO Research department, introduces the new annual flagship report “World Employment and Social Outlook 2015: The Changing Nature of Jobs”
New EES Evaluation Capabilities Framework for the conduct of quality evaluation
This is the new Evaluation Capabilities Framework prepared by one of the Working Groups within the European Evaluation Society (EES). The development of such document is particularly timely as it is likely to foster some interesting debates and hopefully promote further collaboration with professional evaluation associations in other countries and

More pressure on African governments to have stronger enforcement of anti-bribery and corruption regulation
“The way that things have always been done” is changing in many African countries LAGOS, Nigeria, March 13, 2015/ — 57.6% of companies see the development of policies and procedures that can be practically applied in all countries as the most challenging internal anti-corruption and compliance issue. This is